There are no adults in the room. Nobody is coming to save you. And the people in power don’t care about the truth.
You will never become a man until you realize that these three statements are true.
Most corporate drones live lives of extended adolescence because they refuse to come to terms with one, two or all of the above truth. For me, I snapped out of delusion the day James Damore was fired from Google
I was surrounded by highly credentialed, ostensibly highly intelligent individuals. But not a single one in a position of authority dared to publicly question their Diversity overlords. Nobody even cared to read the easily accessible research on the subject of male female differences in temperament and personality.
I was 31 years old when it happened. It was then and only then that it was incontrovertible. Nobody was coming to save me. I was the adult in the room.
The next logical step after coming to terms with this reality is to gain control of your own income. That took me a few more years, but plausibly would have never happened had I not been rudely awakened by the reality most spent their adulthoods trying to avoid confronting.
The writing is on the wall. Can you read it?