The feminization of American men is a physiological, technological, economic, sociological and political process.
Between exposure to microplastics, birth control metabolites that cannot be fully removed from the water supply, and exposure to other estrogenic compounds in our food and broader environment, men have lower testosterone levels and are biologically less masculine than they were a generation ago.
Technology has also reduced the immediate need for men, which alters the social construct between men and society at large. Because machines have replaced men in many lines of work, the inventions of men from previous generations have made many modern men obsolete. And obsolete men must become agreeable men because they’ve lost their negotiating power and nobody has to put up with them.
Like the technological feminization of men, the economic feminization is our own doing. Computers have flattened the playing field and enabled women in many industries to not only compete with men, but even outcompete men, continuing to erode male bargaining power when defining our social contract.
As men lose economic power, many will also lose authority within their family structure. No longer relied upon to be sole breadwinners, men must become more adaptable and more agreeable, in addition to adopting more traditionally feminine roles in childcare.
And as the man’s role within his family, his company and his broader society has become both more replaceable and less unique, the natural political question is why do we want to put up with men? Men commit most of the crimes, are the more disagreeable sex and represent the greatest threat to any established power. So of course teachers will strip boys of their right to be boys and politicians will strip men of their traditional right to be men.
The world will feminize you if you don’t have a plan to push back. And there are 3 obvious steps to pushing back:
1) You must lower your body fat, increase the amount you sweat, and reduce the amount of plastics that you're using. Of these 3, the first two are probably more important. Because estrogenic toxins are commonly either fat or water soluble, the more fat you carry and the less you sweat, the more of them your body will store. The overweight man who barely sweats will become more feminized at a faster rate than the fit man who trains. It's science.
2) You must develop a plan to combat economic obsolescence. That is to say, build your business. Grow your income streams. Be irreplaceable at whatever you do.
3) You must accept the traditionally masculine role of a provider and a protector within your relationship. This is both more challenging now than ever given the previously described headwinds, while the performance bar is also lower than it has ever been due to the challenges your feminized competition faces.
These steps are ordered in the sequence that will make them easiest to accomplish. Making money will become a lot easier once you become fit. And being a providing protector will become a lot easier once you become fit and financially sturdy.