It would have been unprofessional if I were somebody's employee. A cute girl showed up on the other side of a video call. She had booked a consultation to learn how to renegotiate her salary.
After understanding her situation, I realized that while she needed her employer, her employer needed her more. And she was willing to walk away. All pieces were in place to make her request.
So I didn't tell her to try to get promoted. I didn't tell her to try to get a good performance review. I told her to try to work as little as possible until they paid her more. And then a week later I asked her out to dinner. Because I was my own boss and set my own company policies.
Eventually this cute girl would become my girlfriend and by extension, got inside access to my salary mastermind. We mapped out the chessboard, understood the internal politics, and created a plan to maximize her compensation while minimizing her work. This upset her father. "We didn't raise you to be like this," he scolded her.
When we met, she was making $90K after bonus. Within six months of us meeting, she had secured a $50K compensation raise. Within one year, it was more than $100K higher. And in under two years she had accepted an offer from a client to make a $200K base salary plus bonus and is now responsible for interfacing with royalty from around the Middle East.
Life changes fast. But every rapid ascent you will ever makes will come from doing something 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒. Because if it were intuitive, you would have already been doing it.
When you're ready to take a counterintuitive approach, my DMs are open. I may even be able to get you a $100K raise. But unfortunately, I won't be asking you out on a date ;)