How to Boost Energy in 30 Days
Only a fool would choose money over energy.
And most fools do.
The truly successful people who make tons of money AND enjoy their daily life?
They ALWAYS prioritize energy over money.
Because they know that it’s a lot easier to make money WITH energy than it is to make money without it.
And if you’re honest with yourself?
You probably don’t have the energy levels you had when you were younger.
But that doesn’t mean you have to accept your fate. It’s a mistake to believe that lower energy levels are a natural byproduct of aging.
Here are the 3 steps you can take to get your energy back:
Step 1: Get at least 6 hours of quality sleep per night.
You must start with the basics. You’re actively screwing yourself every day if you’re not getting enough sleep. Start here:
Blackout curtains to keep the room dark (or a sleep mask)
Set your temperature to the high-60s or lower
Use a white noise machine, app and/or ear plugs
Avoid drinking any fluids 2-3 hours prior to bed, except for a few ounces of water with L-theanine and magnesium glycinate 30-minutes before bed
Put down the phone at least an hour before bed—unless you’re reading this email, then I’ll allow it. :)
If your schedule is so hectic that you don’t actually have 6 hours to lie down every night, then you need to hit me up. We can fix that in less than one month and put you back in control over your own life.
Step 2: Optimize energy expenditure.
If you’re on your feet every day, you’re going to be tired.
Guess what? If you’re on your butt all day, you’re also going to be tired!
We need to start by restoring your fuel tank’s capacity to how you felt in your 20s.
Your body is designed to move every day. Even just an hour of low-intensity movement will boost your energy levels. Start simple with more walking:
Take walks while on phone calls. This has been proven to also increase your mental energy during the call.
Schedule any in-person meetings around walks as well. Plenty of well-known billionaires do this every day. If they can, you can.
Walk briskly for at least 10 minutes after every meal
Want more potent rocket fuel that makes you feel years younger in just a few short weeks?
Then we need to add in some high-intensity activities. Schedule 45-minute sessions at least 2x per week:
Interval sprints. 60-seconds on/60-second off for 15 minutes on an Assault Bike
Full range-of-motion resistance training focused around compound movements that match your anatomical structure and existing mobility.
Now you’ll have more fuel to work with.
But, what about the ways you’re unnecessarily draining your fuel tank?
You need to also AUDIT the way you’re spending your emotional energy.
Start by noticing each moment you feel angry, frustrated, or annoyed
The moment you notice these feelings, remind yourself that they COST you energy
Actively practice pausing for a deep breath and dealing with each moment as calmly as possible
Look, there’s no way around it: Your mood sets the tone for how you use whatever energy you have. I work with my clients to help them take control of their mind so they can maximize energy. The two things that help them the most?
See energy-draining emotions as self-sabotaging habits that must be eliminated
Leverage me to help them process emotions when they hit inevitable challenges
Never discount the power of having someone who you can vent to when necessary. If you’re like most of my high-performing clients, you don’t have a confidant you can trust to help you process negative emotions, build the proper context around them, and then move forward with a powerful state of mind.
Step 3: Optimize what you’re putting in your body.
Similar to movement, if you eat too little or too much, you’re going to be tired. While the best-case scenario is to have a customized meal plan that works specifically for you, here’s where you can start:
Eat your larger meals earlier in the day
Eat protein-dominant food, especially for lunch—focus on an animal that swims or flies and avoid heaps of rice or pasta
You’ve probably noticed that your mind and body feel better on protein-dominant food. This is no accident, as processed foods are likely to not only spike your insulin levels, but they’re also devoid of meaningful nutrients that can actually give you energy.
And remember: This doesn’t mean committing to eating dreadful meals that taste like cardboard or counting calories like a neurotic high school girl. You already know that I’ve helped top performing clients with every type of schedule imaginable create plans that taste so good they don’t even feel like diets. There's no reason why I can't do this for you too.
Finally, because I never shy away from controversy:
What you put in your body also includes drugs like caffeine, nicotine, THC, and alcohol.
Look, ALL drugs will make your body feel worse if you’re dependent on them to the point that you need them every day. Caffeine dependency is the most common. Here’s a practical way to kick the habit and restore the natural energy levels of your youth:
Switch to half caffeinated / half decaf for the next 3 days
Shift to 3/4 decaf for 3 days after that
Full decaf for 3 more days, if needed
You’ll ween yourself off caffeine in less than two weeks, while restoring your adrenal glands’ natural function and avoiding withdrawal headaches. You can do the same with tea if you switch from black tea to green tea and then to white tea on the same schedule.
This protocol was huge for my client Trey. He had gone YEARS without getting consistently restful sleep. But after making these adjustments, he reclaimed a healthy sleep pattern and felt like a new man physically and emotionally.
My fellow nicotine lovers can also follow a similar protocol. From my experience, it may take 3 weeks with the use of transdermal patches to replace the Zyn pouches.
And while alcohol and THC should also be avoided if you want more energy, it may take more than 30 days to successfully quit them.
But if you follow these steps for the next 30 days, I promise you’ll feel better.
And not just better. You’ll think more clearly, make better decisions, and experience more positive emotions. Warning: The downstream effects of these changes may include:
More money
Better relationships
A body you won’t want to hide
A higher quality of life
And look, I get it. It can be difficult to imagine this type of lifestyle when you’re bogged down with low energy.
Which is exactly why I’m here to help. The single-most important factor in determining whether you’re able to follow through on the steps above is having the right support around you to help them stay on track.
And not just anyone.
You need someone who understands what it’s like to face the pressures of critical decisions on a daily basis, who has teams and a family relying on him, and who has a hard time imagining being able to “switch off” without things falling apart.
My mission is to be that person for you.
Hit me up when the time is right.