An MLB coach once told me that “A lot of guys are hanging on by a thread.”
This may seem hard to believe from the outside looking in, but to be an elite performer in any field you need MANY things working well AT THE SAME TIME.
So while it appears to the casual observer that highly successful people all have their shit together, anyone who has been in the trenches with them knows the self doubt they all carry. Many feel like their performance is a house of cards that could collapse at any point.
This is also true for business executives. Things seem under control, then all of a sudden your key lieutenant quits, your wife is unhappy or you have a health scare.
What once came easy now comes with a much greater challenge. Your mindset shifts from growth to preservation which further exasperates your challenges.
This is why you must always work on expanding your lead and growing your moat, no matter how well things seem to be going. Because you never know when that thread may break.